So I did a quick statistical calculation of how many people visit my BLOG.
Using advanced theoretical mathematics
With many estimated variables
And huge gaps in logic
The number I came up with was too large to fit on my TI-30Xa calculator.
This is the same calculator, by the way,
For which I paid about 20 bucks about 15 years ago
And which got me through two semesters of calculus.
It is NOT a graphing calculator, thank you very much!
So imagine my amusement when my daughter's high school sends home a note
Telling me that students enrolled in algebra II and/or Physics
MUST have a graphing calculator for those classes.
My first reaction was to call the school
And give them a piece of my mind
(Obviously they needed it)
But then, I thought about how it might go...
JimBob: "Hi. I'm obviuosly an idiot parent of a student at your school.
I must be an idiot because I'm too stupid to just accept the inanity
Of the notes you send home with my daughter.
But, if you could,
Just explain to me
In small words (cuz, remember I'm kinda dumb)
Why is it that you are mandating that my daughter own a 200$ calculator
For classes that I did with a slide-rule back when I took them?"
(ed note - true story. My Physics prof in high school would give an extra 10% bonus to anyone who took his exams with a slide rule. So we all learned how to use one. It's all about the decimal place...)
(ed note 2 - this is the same Physics prof who was quietly retired when it was discovered that he had a thing for the females in his classes...he was easily in his 50s...they were easily in their teens...this explains how my girlfriend always got such good grades even though, when we studied together, she seemed to comprehend Physics about as much as I comprehend why anyone would vote Republican. I think she's living in a trailer park somewhere now...)
Imaginary response from the drone at the school:
(Insert condescending tone here)
Drone: "Sir, the school board has made these decisions
With the childrens' best interests at heart
Based on guidance provided by the Texas Board of Education
Based on guidance from the Texas legislature.
Please don't try to out-think the Texas state legislature."
And then my imaginary conversation takes a turn for the worse
As I begin ranting about what the TX state legislature
Actually has in their heads instead of brains
And questioning the school drone's heritage
And finally ending with words that cross the lines of legality
And I get hauled off to jail
For threatening to "cleanse the gene pool".
So, instead of the conversation where I get all bent out of shape
Because the TX legislature says I gotta buy my kid a graphing calculator
So they can teach her how to push buttons
Instead of how to actually THINK
I just bought her a graphing calculator.
And I do my best to teach her how to think at home.
She does her best to not learn from me.
But THAT'S another blog entry
For another day.
But none of that really matters...
Because the whole reason I posted today was that
One of the BILLIONS of readers of this blog
Chastised me
And I quote: are a serious slacker in the blog department :P
And I'm nothing, if I'm not
A people-pleaser.
And thus you have today's blog entry.
(inanity - is it a word? check and learn something)
"Officer, I'm surprised you stopped me. They're having a 2-for-1 sale at Dunkin Donuts."
Using advanced theoretical mathematics
With many estimated variables
And huge gaps in logic
The number I came up with was too large to fit on my TI-30Xa calculator.
This is the same calculator, by the way,
For which I paid about 20 bucks about 15 years ago
And which got me through two semesters of calculus.
It is NOT a graphing calculator, thank you very much!
So imagine my amusement when my daughter's high school sends home a note
Telling me that students enrolled in algebra II and/or Physics
MUST have a graphing calculator for those classes.
My first reaction was to call the school
And give them a piece of my mind
(Obviously they needed it)
But then, I thought about how it might go...
JimBob: "Hi. I'm obviuosly an idiot parent of a student at your school.
I must be an idiot because I'm too stupid to just accept the inanity
Of the notes you send home with my daughter.
But, if you could,
Just explain to me
In small words (cuz, remember I'm kinda dumb)
Why is it that you are mandating that my daughter own a 200$ calculator
For classes that I did with a slide-rule back when I took them?"
(ed note - true story. My Physics prof in high school would give an extra 10% bonus to anyone who took his exams with a slide rule. So we all learned how to use one. It's all about the decimal place...)
(ed note 2 - this is the same Physics prof who was quietly retired when it was discovered that he had a thing for the females in his classes...he was easily in his 50s...they were easily in their teens...this explains how my girlfriend always got such good grades even though, when we studied together, she seemed to comprehend Physics about as much as I comprehend why anyone would vote Republican. I think she's living in a trailer park somewhere now...)
Imaginary response from the drone at the school:
(Insert condescending tone here)
Drone: "Sir, the school board has made these decisions
With the childrens' best interests at heart
Based on guidance provided by the Texas Board of Education
Based on guidance from the Texas legislature.
Please don't try to out-think the Texas state legislature."
And then my imaginary conversation takes a turn for the worse
As I begin ranting about what the TX state legislature
Actually has in their heads instead of brains
And questioning the school drone's heritage
And finally ending with words that cross the lines of legality
And I get hauled off to jail
For threatening to "cleanse the gene pool".
So, instead of the conversation where I get all bent out of shape
Because the TX legislature says I gotta buy my kid a graphing calculator
So they can teach her how to push buttons
Instead of how to actually THINK
I just bought her a graphing calculator.
And I do my best to teach her how to think at home.
She does her best to not learn from me.
But THAT'S another blog entry
For another day.
But none of that really matters...
Because the whole reason I posted today was that
One of the BILLIONS of readers of this blog
Chastised me
And I quote: are a serious slacker in the blog department :P
And I'm nothing, if I'm not
A people-pleaser.
And thus you have today's blog entry.
(inanity - is it a word? check and learn something)
"Officer, I'm surprised you stopped me. They're having a 2-for-1 sale at Dunkin Donuts."
JB- get sitemeter for your Blog. It's free and it tracks all sorts of traffic stuff.
With the money you save you can buy your kid a graphing calculator.
And just be glad she's smart enough to be in a class that requires one. I don't even know what the heck it does.
it graphs.
the same graphing that we did BY HAND when we were in high school.
the same graphing that we were taught to UNDERSTAND when we did it BY HAND in high school.
there's no understanding these days. just push buttons.
it's why china is taking over. they're much better at pushing buttons than we are.
The dumbing down of our education system is a problem. Another problem is that every refoorm measure other than simply throwing money at it meets fierce opposition from the lazy, inept teachers.
Thanks for stopping by, Daniel, but this isn't a political blog.
I prefer light-hearted conversation and humor here.
Feel free to stop by and leave a joke or two, but nothing heavy, s'il vous plait - there are many other blogs for that.
I thought I told Ted Nugent Lite to go out and kill something.
be nice. this is a happy blog. the prozac has kicked in and we're all going to hold hands, smile serenely, and sing kumbaya.
sing what? are you smoking crack dude? Lets sing an AC/DC song for gods sake..we all should know the lyrics..
"Love at First Feel" was a good one.
I saw them in the early '80s and they rocked. Brian Johnson put Angus on his shoulders and they came off the stage and ran around the floor while Angus was soloing. They passed right in front of me! It was killer!
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