Sunday, November 13, 2005

I have a new job.

It entails a bunch of duties that I'm not proficient at yet.

(Teach always said, "Don't end your sentences with a preposition"

That's why I put the word 'yet' at the end of the 2nd sentence.)

I'm a perfectionist

And I fear failure

And I fear looking silly to others.

(I also fear dinosaurs, but that's not really pertinent here)

So to have a job that I don't yet perform in an Earth-shaking manner

Produces much anxiety in me

And fear

And sleepless nights.


In a roundabout way

Is why I'm posting to my favorite blog


This fine Sunday morning.

This a.m. was yet another morn when I awoke to the sweet sweet sound

Of a million and one fearful thoughts rushing thru my head about the new job.

"Geez, what if I can't get the new computer software to work?"

"What about those reports that were due last week, but are still sitting on my desk?"

"What about all those meetings I'm supposed to have this week with people

Who think I know all about my job?

Will they find out that I'm a fake

And that I really don't know what I'm doing?"

And one of the worst:

"What if I wake up late, show up to work and realize that I forgot to put on my pants, everyone is pointing and laughing, I fall out of an airplane without a parachute, and then get chased by dinosaurs?"

(That last one is kind of a conglomeration (amalgamation?) of all my worst nightmares

Especially the dinosaurs.)

That's how the day started

At 5 a.m

On a Sunday.

Now that you have the scenario, let's get to what I really want to talk about this a.m...

With first cup of coffee firmly in hand

My hair still in the shape of the pillow I slept on

And the wonderful aroma of my unwashed body oozing thru the air about me

I thought I'd read up on my favorite blogs

Mine being the first one I checked, of course.

And, as usual, there were a plethora of new comments on my blog

Zero, to be exact.

ed note - does the word 'plethora' match the verb in the sentence above?

I'm not gonna tell ya.

Check out and learn somethin'.

So I moved on to my other two favorites

(see sidebar if you really MUST leave my blog)

And what did I see on someone else's blog?

You know the old adage

"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"?

Well, someone used a term in their blog

That I coined

In reference to a certain political organization.

ed note - mine is not a political blog

So I won't be telling you what the term was.

Too bad

Cuz you'd have giggled like a little schoolgirl.

Anyhoo, it put a big smile on my face this morning!

In the interest of maintaining anonymity

No names

Just first initials


So I'd like to send a big shout out to

My blog buddy

Who has flattered me by imitation

And who has helped re-color my morning blues

To something of a more cheery hue

(ably assisted, of course, by my drug of choice - caffeine)

By using the word 'Repube' in her latest post.



Oh well, you may now giggle like a little schoolgirl.

...dinosaurs ...*yuck*

If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?


Blogger Karen Zipdrive said...

Dusty and you are getting way too chummy.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 7:17:00 AM CST  
Blogger JimBob said...

she's 50% of my audience. i can't afford to piss her off.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 6:20:00 PM CST  
Blogger Unknown said...

lmao...i love you jimbob..and it was you i stole it from right?

aw i think KZ is a tad jealous..

i cant sleep..and i have to go to work at 6am..this sucks major monkey nads..

so hows the new job going sweetie?

Thursday, November 17, 2005 at 4:41:00 AM CST  
Blogger JimBob said...

sorry to hear ya can't sleep. i've heard that vodka and sleeping pills work wonders. LOL! what's keepin' you up?

KZ's not jealous, she's just playin' the part of big sis. she's always keepin' an eye out for me.

actually, in real life, we're great friends here in scenic s.a.

new job's kickin' my a**, but every day is a learning opportunity. and every new thing i learn is one less thing that contributes to the stress.

so i figger when i know EVERYTHING, i won't have anymore stress. :-p

'course, if you ask my kids, they'll tell you that i already THINK i know everything and thus shouldn't be suffering from any stress.

Thursday, November 17, 2005 at 7:24:00 PM CST  
Blogger Unknown said... son thinks I know nothing and wonders how the hell I made it this far in life..

hope your stress free real soon JimBob.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005 at 1:05:00 AM CST  
Blogger JimBob said...

stress-free would be a major miracle; along the lines of parting the red sea. right now i'd settle for a mini-miracle; like crossing off more things than I add to my to-do list at work!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005 at 5:24:00 PM CST  
Blogger Unknown said...

stress is part of life..its how you deal with it that counts..never sweat the small shit and dude..its all small shit in the grand scheme of life..

Sunday, December 4, 2005 at 11:53:00 PM CST  
Blogger JimBob said...

yeah. sometimes i forget that i don't live to work.

sometimes i forget just how well i really have it. one of the things i do, when i'm gettin' all whiny about how much life sucks, is remind myself that i have it better than literally BILLIONS of people on this planet. THAT really helps me get "right-sized".

Tuesday, December 6, 2005 at 8:40:00 PM CST  
Blogger Unknown said...

yep..i know what you mean..i work to pay a few credit card bills and nothing more..and yet I bitch relentlessly about it...until I see the local homeless guy sitting in the dark and the temperature is hitting 31 degrees each night..kinda puts shit in perspective..

Tuesday, December 6, 2005 at 10:54:00 PM CST  
Blogger JimBob said...

speaking of which, i just had another "right-sizing" experience.

i had one of my WORST days at work today and it had me all depressed. tonite was the nite i had to take my youngest daughter to a nursing home to go caroling with her girl scout troop.

you can probably i walked thru the nursing home, watching her sing, and seeing all the elderly folks there, i realized just what you said earlier: it's all small shit.

i don't wanna end up in a retirment home lamenting the fact that i wasted my life chasing my JOB! *sheesh*

so, the Higher Power works in mysterious ways. i was all set to go into work early tomorrow and bust my ass some more, and now it's freezing rain outside and i may not even have to go to work tomorrow!

i had a friend who was fond of saying "Coincidence is god's way of staying anonymous". I don't necessarily believe in a christian god, but i believe there's SOMETHING out there. and it's situations like this that let me know that i'm not alone in all this small shit.

it's a great day. :-)

Wednesday, December 7, 2005 at 8:14:00 PM CST  
Blogger Unknown said...

did you go to work? or play hooky and enjoy your life?

its the weekend now..have a good one dear man..I will be traveling to Malibu and listening to some kickass blues-rock with my son..his early birthday present to moi..having your b-day right before xmas sucked as a child.

Saturday, December 10, 2005 at 4:23:00 AM CST  
Blogger JimBob said...

went to work. the roads were all clear by morn. but i think i've had an awakening of sorts. the last two days at work have been very enjoyable...(more as this story develops)

i've heard stories from kids w/bdays at xmas time. they all said the same thing you did.

well HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! enjoy your trip to malibu!

Saturday, December 10, 2005 at 7:14:00 AM CST  
Blogger Unknown said...

I had a great time as witnesse by the massive hangover today..

Sunday, December 11, 2005 at 9:58:00 PM CST  
Blogger JimBob said...

hair o' the dog, m'dear.

have another beer. that'll help the hangover.


Monday, December 12, 2005 at 7:00:00 AM CST  

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