My bible has an extra book in it. Here's an excerpt:
The Book of Evil Vegetables Chapter 3, verses 16-25
...and so spake Jebediah to Jacob to Ezekial to Jeb to Ephram to his begotten wife. "Nay shalt thou cooketh of the vile green putrescence which is brocolli. For, verily, I sayeth, it cometh NOT from thine Lord, but from the Serpent himself. Beware that which is brocolli. However, I sayeth, verily, thou shalt partake of the fruit of the vine which is Spinach and which is blessed in mine sight, which hath been lovingly bestoweth upon thine heads by thine Lord God Almighty. Amen"
Brocolli... *ugh*
A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory.
The Book of Evil Vegetables Chapter 3, verses 16-25
...and so spake Jebediah to Jacob to Ezekial to Jeb to Ephram to his begotten wife. "Nay shalt thou cooketh of the vile green putrescence which is brocolli. For, verily, I sayeth, it cometh NOT from thine Lord, but from the Serpent himself. Beware that which is brocolli. However, I sayeth, verily, thou shalt partake of the fruit of the vine which is Spinach and which is blessed in mine sight, which hath been lovingly bestoweth upon thine heads by thine Lord God Almighty. Amen"
Brocolli... *ugh*
A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory.
Jeeze JB, you make up great Biblespeak. I'm not so big on broccoli, either. Spinach, I like.
Yes Jimbob..your too damn good at that type of writing..scary dude..very scary..but funny.
I like broccoli..does that make me a repube or something vile?
HEATHEN! Thou shalt not utter the Unspoken 'R' Word. The Word of Mine enemies and the enemies of all that is Good!
*ugh* brocolli. how the hell can you put that in your mouth??? LOL!
You've had worse than broccoli in your mouth, belly button boy.
Yeah, once I ate brussel sprouts.
NOTHING on this planet worse than that.
I really love brussel sprouts..seriously. I spent a year as a vegan..i hated it really but I do appreciate brussel sprouts.
I like steak too much to be a vegan.
Your comment reminds me of a cat joke. But since I know yer a lover of cats...I'll refrain.
By all means dear..enlighten us w/the cat joke..its early here on the left coast and I can use a laugh.
OK, remember it's just a JOKE!
Well, really more of a one-liner...well really TWO one-liners...
I love cats - they taste just like chicken.
I love cats - especially in a nice brown gravy.
and a last one to leave the vegans and vegetarians out there all pissed off:
If we're not supposed to eat animals, then why are they made of meat?
LOL..very good, I like them all.
I hate Best Buy..those jackass's can't find their butts w/both hands.
Whilst in the "shop" to be fixed, someone stole my battery which was brand new and replaced it w/an old piece of shit that doesnt work.
They told me they could save my "data" and they didn't.
Someone also stole my MS Office Premium disc from the bag..nice guys right?
I got a headache, but your jokes did make me smile.
oops..I am ranting about my laptop..if your kinda wondering wtf I am talking about.
yeah. best buy has a bad reputation for taking advantage of folks with their "computer support"...
yer better off finding a computer geek friend to help you with your computer ails.
But dude..I HAVE to use extended service contract is with those A-holes.
How come I don't see your cute comments on KZ's blog anymore?
sorry. went away for awhile. but i have returned.
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