When I was growing up, I lived in a working class suburb.
Middle class.
No crime.
Kinda nice.
Back then, the neighborhood where the rich kids lived was "Clayton".
I always wondered what it would be like to live in Clayton.
The ritzy side of town.
I spent the last 10 years living in the same type of middle class suburban neighborhood that I grew up in.
Still wondering what it would be like to live on the ritzy side of town.
In my current town, the ritzy side of town is Stone Oak.
I no longer wonder what it would be like to live there.
I'm there.
And it sucks.
An anecdote to start us off:
I'm used to being flipped off
On the road.
My driving is
At times
To put it nicely.
But last Saturday morning at 7:30
In the WalMart parking lot
I was in super-nice mode
(I did, after all, have a good dose of caffeine in my veins
And a wallet full of ca$h with which to purchase Xmas gifts.
And don't ask what I got you for Xmas, Dusty.
You'll just have to come visit KZ and me to find out)
I was feelin' good
When a minivan whipped out in front of me
Causing me to stand up on the breaks.
And put the fear of God
Into the little Beamer sports car behind me.
I immediately switched to battle mode.
Reaching for floorboard projectiles to hurl
Out the window
At the minivan
At the enemy
Until I noticed it was just a little old lady.
I figgered she just wasn't paying attention.
So I decided not to lob any breakables at her.
But in the next nanosecond
(Now too late for me to retaliate in kind
As I had already dropped the bowling pin I keep on the floorboard
For just such occasions)
Gramma whipped that hand up
Flipped me off
And began mouthing unrecognizable words at me
(Well, SOME of the words were recognizable.
You know the ones I mean).
Like it was all MY fault.
It's a wonder her dentures didn't fall out
As fast as her mouth was goin'.
I'd like to know who makes her adhesive.
That'd be a good stock investment.
So this is a taste
Of how it is
In Stone Oak
The ritzy side of town.
Let's take a closer look, shall we?
Old side of town: I knew all my neighbors by first name.
Stone Oak: I knocked on my new neighbors' doors to introduce myself to them and they acted like I was a madman. Not the most social neighborhood.
Solution: Looked up all neighbors' names in the neighborhood association's directory. (They really do print this - it lists every human being by name and birthdate that lives in the neighborhood. Great stalking tool). Made a neighborhood chart with pictures of little houses using Excel and entered everyone's address and names on the chart. Posted chart inside front door.
Old side of town: Constantly being surrounded by aggressive drivers on the road driving junkers that they don't care about cuz they're already paid for.
Stone Oak: Constantly being surrounded by aggressive drivers on the road driving Hummers, BMWs, and Lexus's that they don't care about cuz they can afford to buy another one when the ashtray gets full.
Solution: Become that aggressive driver on the road driving a junker that I don't care about cuz it's already paid for. Play Korn really loud with sunglasses on, so others think I'm stoned and wouldn't notice bouncing off the occasional Beamer every now and then.
Result: Those driving Hummers, BMWs, and Lexus's contemplate what it would be like to live in a better part of town where the working poor aren't aggressively driving stoned in their junkers around their neighborhood.
Old side of town: punk-ass criminal-looking teenage boys trying to date my daughter.
Stone Oak: punk-ass preppie-looking teenage boys trying to date my daughter.
Solution: ALWAYS answer the phone or the door before my daughter does. Explain potential pitfalls of EVER touching my daughter without her permission. Explain that my daughter isn't old enough to give permission. Remind potential suitors that I have friends that work in hospitals that can, very thoroughly, dismember, hide, and dispose of "my little irritations".
Result: punk-ass teenage boys obviously controlled by hormones and NOT common sense. Scared of me, but not smart enough to run away. End up owing lots of favors to my friend at the hospital...
Old side of town: House too small. Not enough room for guests.
Stone Oak: Much larger house. Family visits often.
Result: contemplating moving back to old side of town.
Just cuz I know yer wonderin'
If I got you anything for Xmas
My number one reader...
I did.
It's a wish
That you too
Can live in joy
And serenity
On the ritzy side of town.
And still complain
Always remember that you're unique; just like everybody else.
I didn't know you lived in Stone Oak. I have heard of it but I'm not sure where it is. Anything outside Loop 410 is foreign to me.
And I laughed that a little old lady flipped you off at WalMart.
That's just wrong.
I think she must have been a repube that recognized my non-threatening non-violent attitude as a threat to her core beliefs.
Two true stories from my 'hood:
The guy that lives a couple houses up the street from me has a huge BUSH sticker on the back of his car. I can't wait till I can come up with a creative way to deface it...
The neighbor across the street stopped talking to me when I told him we believed in a Higher Power, but didn't believe that you had to go to church to express that belief.
OMG..a new post..and I am sorry I just stopped by..yesterday was very busy and full of booze and toasts..it was my birthday..and the ball and chain demanded we celebrate it.
You live in a yuppie-scum part of town? GOOD for YOU!
make em uncomfortable as hell dear..put a big nasty Anti=Bush bumpersticker on your vehicle and then take them all brownies for xmas..bet they dont eat them for fear of herb being in them :)
I will have to get you something now..perhaps a t-shirt from United for Peace and Justice..
this so reminds me of that lovely showtime show "WEEDS".
i'm thinking of putting a big rainbow poster in my front yard and inviting all my gay and lesbian friends over for a front-yard party...
Good Idea! KZ would love that I am sure she could impress them with all of the screwups Bush has pulled during his administration.
Jimbob my love..could you read my latest post on leftwingnutjob and send a letter to your local newspaper?
just hoping you will..not a demand sweetie..i like your writing talent and think you would be able to come up w/a doozie..
aw, my friend. you're too too kind.
i'm off to your blog even as you read this...
ok..now you can blog about your letter..come on, I am dying to read it..you can read mine online at our local rag the bakersfield californian tomorrow morning :)
yours better be longer, mine was short as hell..i was multi-tasking.
you know, i didn't think to save it. it wasn't much more than the suggested talking points rearranged and held together with a couple paragraphs of semi-angry liberal repube-slamming.
oops, there i've gone and talked politics on my NOT-political blog.
LOL..did you hear the latest about Abramoff? its rich..and Delay wont be smiling for long..
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