Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thought I'd pop back in for my semi-annual blog post.

Since I see that my good friend Karen Zipdrive still has my blog linked

(See "Pulp Friction" link to the right)

I think it's important that I update it regularly

For those that loyally

And rabidly

Follow my blog

(Both of you).

-ed note: your definition of "update regularly" may be different than the author's.

Anyhoo, I have no topic today, except to say

1. The caffeine is kicking in

2. My earbuds are delivering heavy metal at a dangerous volume level to my ears

3. The combination of these has me inspired to write more on my novel.

"Novel?" You ask incredulously.


I've been writing what I jokingly call

The Twenty-Year Novel

For about two years now.

I have 18 years till deadline.

I'll let you know where you can buy it when I'm published and become hugely famous.

FYI: The word "incredulously" raised the gunning fog index on this post from 8.37 to 8.64. Ouch. That's a lot of power for one word. (Thanks, KZ!)

I went to a book store and asked the saleswoman where the self-help section was. She said if she told me it would defeat the purpose.