My bible has an extra book in it. Here's an excerpt:
The Book of Evil Vegetables Chapter 3, verses 16-25
...and so spake Jebediah to Jacob to Ezekial to Jeb to Ephram to his begotten wife. "Nay shalt thou cooketh of the vile green putrescence which is brocolli. For, verily, I sayeth, it cometh NOT from thine Lord, but from the Serpent himself. Beware that which is brocolli. However, I sayeth, verily, thou shalt partake of the fruit of the vine which is Spinach and which is blessed in mine sight, which hath been lovingly bestoweth upon thine heads by thine Lord God Almighty. Amen"
Brocolli... *ugh*
A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory.
The Book of Evil Vegetables Chapter 3, verses 16-25
...and so spake Jebediah to Jacob to Ezekial to Jeb to Ephram to his begotten wife. "Nay shalt thou cooketh of the vile green putrescence which is brocolli. For, verily, I sayeth, it cometh NOT from thine Lord, but from the Serpent himself. Beware that which is brocolli. However, I sayeth, verily, thou shalt partake of the fruit of the vine which is Spinach and which is blessed in mine sight, which hath been lovingly bestoweth upon thine heads by thine Lord God Almighty. Amen"
Brocolli... *ugh*
A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory.