Sunday, June 28, 2009

Good news: I got a laptop.

Bad news: It has Windows Vista on it.

Good news: I have now accepted Windows Vista as a little piece of Evil in my life.

Bad news: There's a stupid application that starts up every time I start the laptop.

And I can't figure out how to make it stop starting.

It puts an icon in the System Tray.

Ooh, I hate that!

That's MY system tray! Don't put things there without my permission, dammit!

The only way I can turn it off is to manually exit the app every time the laptop starts.

This irritates the Hell out of me.

If you've read my previous posts about efficiency in computer operations

(Don't lie. You know you haven't)

Then you know

I absolutely

Unequivically (is that spelled right? look it up. learn somethin')


Inefficient computer ops.

So to have to go thru these steps EVERY TIME THE COMPUTER STARTS:

1. Right-click on icon in system tray
2. Select Exit

Is for me, like fingernails on a chalkboard.

(Remember that scene in Jaws? THAT was a scene I will never forget!)

I've provided graphics to illustrate my annoyance.

Can you see it there in the system tray?

Mocking me? Scoffing at everything I believe in?

It annoys me.

Can't see it?

Here, I've marked it for you.Now prepare yourself.

I've enlarged it

So you can see it

In all its Evil Glory.

I warn you. This may be too intense for younger blog readers.

Parents, send you kids from the room now.

Ok. Here it is:

It's the icon for the built-in webcam.

It teases me at startup

Knowing that if I want it to go away

I must manually make it do so.

It also knows that I hate



Repeating myself (hee hee hee).

I SHOULD be able to program its non-existence

By checking a box somewhere

So that it never appears again.

But as God is my witness

I can't find that box


Thus, I decree this application

"Gateway Web Camera Assistant Software UVC"

To be Evil

With a capital "E"

Thus denoting that is worse than regular evil things

Like brocolli

And decaf coffee.

(ed note: it wasn't spelled correctly. Correct spelling is "unequivocally". Did you learn something?)

Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A small yet poignant


From my usual cynicism

Or is it pessimism?

There is a difference.

(Look it up. Learn sumfin'. Sheesh.)

Today is Father's Day.

My daughters got me a couple nice gifts:

One knows how much I really love unique gifts

Thus the edible bouquet of fruit

(the 2nd picture, in case you were confused.)

The other knows I love playing computer games

Thus the pic of the computer disk

(The disk is the game she got me as a gift, in case 2 + 2 didn't equal 4 for you).

(Can you use the process of elimination to guess which picture the disk is?)

Plus they both got me very funny cards.

Cuz, yup, I like very funny cards.

For my daughters, JoJoBob and TarjaBob:

Your hugs, wondrous.

My past, now unimportant.

My sins, forgiven.

My future, suddenly bright.

You speak and my soul soars.


Friday, June 19, 2009

A while back

(or is it "awhile back"?)

Dunno. Don't care.

If you care, please post a comment and complain

Or correct me.

I like deleting comments.

Anyhoo, a while awhile back

I did a post about multi-tasking.

It was fun.

100% of my readership

(2 out of 2 readers)

Also enjoyed it.

Well, I'll be damned if it ain't happenin' again.

Right now

As I type.

The multi-tasking thing.

It's like a friggin' miracle

Or sumthin'.

Of course, your obvious question is

What multiple tasks am I performing?

Well you'll be amazed

When I tell you.

So sit on the edge of your seat

In anticipation

Anxiously scrolling thru all the lines

Of my post

(BTW, why the hell do I post like that?

With all the white space?

And broken lines?

It's not like I'm a poet.

I mean, nothing rhymes

And there's no mention of the word Nantucket ANYWHERE.

Geez, when I put it like that, all my posts look kind of idiotic)



Now I feel bad.

Not posting anymore.



In dog years, I'm dead.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I got prolific again


Don't get excited.

It won't last.

But since the last few posts were on the same topic

I decided

A separate blog

Dedicated to that topic

Was in order.

So look to the right at the links.

Take note of the new link

And go there.



I didn’t fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian.

Thursday, June 04, 2009



[drags soapbox out from cold storage]



It's heavy



Ah, there we go

[steps up on soapbox]


Help me, Jeebus! - H. Simpson